Internship - Sommer Sports Events
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We are a way cool place to intern at. Don't expect to be doing mundane tasks, we put you right in the trenches, working side by side our team, with plenty of support along the way. Internships are available to match your skills and schedule.


Digital Marketing Guru

Do you have a flair for creating attention-catching content across various social media platforms, and are passionate about running  and/or multisport? Sommer Sports is looking for a highly motivated, creative individual to plan and implement our digital marketing  and email campaigns. 

We are currently working on a more detailed job description, but meanwhile interested and talented individuals are encouraged to contact us via email at and tell us about all the great things you can do to promote our events, engage our fans, and drive new participation!  

This would be a part time contracted paid position.


The people who make it happen!

Become a SS Event Team Member

Great opportunity for the weekend warrior.  A part time position helping with the set-up, strike, and execution of our events.  Positions are available locally with our Clermont events and with select out of town events. Work for $$$ or free race entry credit.  

«March 2025»

LSSC Shamrock Shuffle 5K & 10K

The race course begins on the Lake-Sumter State College South Lake campus, includes the challenge of the South Lake Trail via the Hancock Extension, and ends back on the Lake-Sumter campus with green beer to celebrate your victory. This will be a fun event for the entire family.  All registered participants will receive a t-shirt and medal.* Runners will be timed with prizes awarded to the top three finishers in each race by gender. All proceeds from the Shamrock Shuffle benefit the LSSC Foundation, which supports scholarships and education at Lake-Sumter State College.

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